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Automation Runbook Gallery update



The [Azure Automation Runbook Gallery]( now pulls runbook content from the PowerShell Gallery in addition to Script Center. To find scripts from the PowerShell Gallery, navigate to your Automation account > **Runbooks**, and then click the **Browse Gallery** command. After the gallery and filter blades have opened, you can use **Gallery Source** in the filters section to select the source for the script content. Select **PowerShell Gallery** and click **OK** to use the PowerShell Gallery as the source. When you use the PowerShell Gallery as the source, you can search by using free text, or you can search by _keyword_: _value_. For example, you can use **Tag: O365** to find any scripts tagged with Office 365\. You can also use the filters to search by script type and by publisher. ![]( * Automation * Features * Gallery * Services * [ Automation](