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GUID migration: Managed Disks and Blob storage



Whether you need the highest availability for mission-critical workloads, or cost-effective options for test scenarios, Azure Managed Disks provides durability, availability, and security for virtual machines. Azure Blob storage provides scalable, durable, and secure storage for unstructured data. Previously, consumption for Managed Disks and consumption for Blob storage were measured using the same pricing meters. As of December 6, 2017, consumption for Managed Disks and consumption for Blob storage are measured using separate GUIDs. There aren't pricing or name changes when the GUIDs are separated for Managed Disks or Blob storage. For GUID migration changes, see the following table: | **Service name** | **Service type** | **Resource name** | **Old GUID** | **New GUID** | **EA portal name (product)** | **Region** | | ---------------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------ | | Data Management | | Standard IO - Disk Write Operation Units | 25db1802-b68c-41c7-8049-1fdac46149b6 | f4821a43-570a-430d-b7ee-29636b6db4e4 | Data Management Standard IO - Disk Write Operation Units - DE Northeast | DE Northeast | | Data Management | | Standard IO - Disk Write Operation Units | 5c952f23-146a-49bc-8a32-3f8753428bce | 2375071f-ed38-4a88-9888-6cb75f6e90bf | Data Management Standard IO - Disk Write Operation Units - DE Central | DE Central | | Data Management | | Standard IO - Disk Read Operation Units | 62818c56-2815-4484-b9cc-6cd41322e10b | 97096f05-f047-434b-8620-aad6400fefb0 | Data Management Standard IO - Disk Read Operation Units - DE Northeast | DE Northeast | | Data Management | | Standard IO - Disk Read Operation Units | 4d43145d-faf4-4e85-b5b7-7b7adf70a73d | 65692f54-4176-4d28-bb44-e6fdc6d58cc2 | Data Management Standard IO - Disk Read Operation Units - DE Central | DE Central | | Data Management | | Standard IO - Disk List Operation Units | bf17f7dd-ce7f-440d-a574-2a9ab06f99ed | 8e602fe6-cf75-4116-87dc-63f8040fa806 | Data Management Standard IO - Disk List Operation Units - DE Northeast | DE Northeast | | Data Management | | Standard IO - Disk List Operation Units | 6968a71e-5085-4cdf-9e35-bc066c6358f3 | e2203eca-d1ca-4832-920a-ff7f9907443e | Data Management Standard IO - Disk List Operation Units - DE Central | DE Central | | Data Management | | Standard IO - Disk Delete Operation Units | b199106c-ed4c-4012-bae5-e7de261573c2 | ee628998-8744-4801-8671-b989c5538ded | Data Management Standard IO - Disk Delete Operation Units - DE Northeast | DE Northeast | | Data Management | | Standard IO - Disk Delete Operation Units | f50fb9b7-38ac-4051-b3c4-72717fdc184b | d3c12556-aab8-4eee-ae5f-1e61f82682c4 | Data Management Standard IO - Disk Delete Operation Units - DE Central | DE Central | | Data Management | Geo Redundant | Standard IO - Disk Write Operation Units | 2f2695a6-7e46-4618-a466-7cf137b700a0 | bf9d1aa0-87b6-4da0-a41d-fc62090a4788 | Data Management Geo Redundant Standard IO - Disk Write Operation Units - DE Northeast | DE Northeast | | Data Management | Geo Redundant | Standard IO - Disk Write Operation Units | c8b42e61-24c5-45dc-966f-10a7fb77c6ba | 96a99735-c167-411c-bf8a-2e4f28166b11 | Data Management Geo Redundant Standard IO - Disk Write Operation Units - DE Central | DE Central | Learn more about Managed Disks on the [ overview]( and [ pricing]( webpages. Learn more about Blob storage on the [ overview]( and [ pricing]( webpages. * Storage Accounts * Services * [ Storage Accounts](