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1.6.1 The google-cloud-java bill of materials is now included and used in the pom.xml files for new App Engine projects



## Change 1.6.1 ## Feature The google-cloud-java bill of materials is now included and used in the pom.xml files for new App Engine projects. ## Change The App Engine SDK library ( is no longer included in the App Engine standard runtime definition. To use classes from this jar, you must explicitly include this library in your project. Select your project in the Package Explorer and from the context menu select **Build Path > Add Libraries > Google Cloud Platform Libraries > App Engine API** and press **Finish**. If you have an existing Maven project that depends on this library, remove `<scope>provided</scope>` from the appengine-sdk-1.0-api dependency in your pom.xml. The App Engine SDK jar will be removed from the server runtime in the future.