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Self-serve experience with Event Hubs Preview



Azure Event Hubs clusters can now be directly created through the Azure Portal as a self-serve experience. This single-tenant offering has a guaranteed 99.99% SLA and is only available on our Dedicated pricing tier. Creating a cluster to contain your event hubs offers the following benefits: * **Single-tenant hosting for better performance** with guaranteed capacity at full scale, enabling ingress of gigabytes of streaming data at millions of events per second while maintaining fully durable storage and sub-second latency. * **Capture feature included** at no additional cost, which allows you to effortlessly batch and deliver your events to Azure Storage or Azure Data Lake. * **Significant savings** on your Event Hubs cloud costs with fixed hourly billing while scaling your infrastructure with Dedicated Event Hubs. * **No maintenance** as the cluster manages load balance, OS updates, security patches and partitioning for you, so you can spend less time on infrastructure maintenance and more time building client-side features * **Exclusive access** to upcoming features such as bring your own key (BYOK). In the self-serve Portal experience (preview), you can create 1 CU clusters in selected strategic regions through the Azure Portal. Larger clusters of up to 20 CUs or in other regions will also be available upon direct request to [the Event Hubs team]( For more information on Event Hubs clusters in our Dedicated offering, please visit the [Azure Event Hubs Dedicated]( documentation web page. * Event Hubs * Features * Services * [ Event Hubs](