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Azure Service Fabric 6.5 release is now available



Service Fabric release version 6.5 rolled out to the various Azure regions contains many new features, bug fixes, supportability, reliability and performance improvements. ## **Breaking announcements** * This is the last release where we are releasing the Visual Studio tools for Service Fabric for VS 2015\. **Customers are advised to move to** [**VS 2019**](**.** * **Protecting system entities from runaway ‘user’ code:** From version 6.5 onwards, users can set up resource protection between the system and user services on a node. Service Fabric will enforce these hard resource limits for user services to guarantee that all the non-system services on a node will never use more than the specified amount of resources. This change was also announced in the 6.5 release. Please refer to the release notes for details. ## **What’s new in Service Fabric 6.5?** The key features are higlighted below. For the full list of all changes, refer to the [release notes]( * [Service Fabric Explorer will now allow you to explore the applications that you have uploaded to image store.]( * [Patch Orchestration Application(POA)]( customers are recommended to move to the released version [1.4.0]( that has lot of self-diagnostic improvements. * [EventStore Service will be enabled by default for clusters]( from this release unless a customer has specifically opted out. * [Add replica-level service fabric health events for Stateful Services]( * [Users will have better visibility into state of down seed nodes.]( * The [Service Fabric Application Disaster Recovery tool]( allows users of Service Fabric stateful services to get back live soon in case the primary SF cluster encounters a disaster. The tool constantly synchronises the data from the application running on the primary cluster on the standby application on secondary using periodic backup and restore. * [Support for .NET Core applications built from Visual Studio to be published to Linux Service Fabric cluster]( * [Azure Service Fabric CLI (sfctl)]( will be installed automatically from 6.5 onwards when you upgrade or create new Azure Service Fabric Linux cluster * [SFCTL]( is installed by default on MacOS/Linux OneBox cluster * Service Fabric * Features * SDK and Tools * Services * [ Service Fabric](