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New Digital Training Course Now Available: Alexa for Developers



If you have beginner-level coding experience and want to learn to use the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK), the new Alexa for Developers digital training course is the right starting point. This free, two-hour online digital course introduces you to the ASK and explains how to use it to build, test, publish, and certify Amazon Alexa skills. This course covers core skills, ASK Software Development Kit (SDK) concepts, and ASK integration with other AWS services. Learners can also study design concepts and see how designing a voice-user interface (VUI) differs from designing web or mobile apps. This new course supplements existing AWS Training and Certification offerings on Alexa, like [Getting in the Voice Mindset](, [Introduction to Skill Concepts](, and [Designing for Conversation]( Enroll in [Alexa for Developers]( today!