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AWS IoT Expands Globally



AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Device Management, and AWS IoT Device Defender are now available in multiple additional regions. [AWS IoT Core](/iot-core/) is now available in 5 additional regions - US West (N. California), Canada (Central), EU (Paris), EU (Stockholm), and South America (Sao Paulo), extending the footprint to 18 AWS regions. AWS IoT Core is a managed cloud platform that lets billions of connected devices easily and securely interact with cloud applications and other devices. [AWS IoT Device Management](/iot-device-management/) is now available in 5 additional regions - US West (N. California), Canada (Central), EU (Paris), EU (Stockholm), and South America (Sao Paulo), extending the footprint to 18 AWS regions. AWS IoT Device Management is a managed service that lets you securely onboard, organize, monitor, and remotely manage your IoT devices at scale throughout their lifecycle. [AWS IoT Device Defender](/iot-device-defender/) is now available in 3 additional regions - US West (N. California), Canada (Central), and Asia Pacific (Mumbai), extending the footprint to 13 AWS regions. AWS IoT Device Defender is a fully-managed AWS IoT service that makes it easy for customers to manage the end to end security of their IoT fleet. Please see the [AWS Regions page]( for all the regions where the services are now available. Visit our IoT website to learn more about [AWS IoT services](/iot/).