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Amazon EKS Adds Support for G4 Instance



Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) now supports adding Amazon EC2 G4 instances as worker nodes to all clusters in regions where G4 is available. G4 is the newest EC2 GPU-equipped instance and delivers the industry’s most cost-effective GPU platform for deploying machine learning models in production and graphics-intensive applications. To successfully launch a G4 instance in your cluster, you will first need to upgrade to version 1.5.4 of the AWS VPC CNI plugin. Instructions for upgrading the CNI plugin can be found in the Amazon EKS [documentation]( To get started with adding a GPU instance to your cluster, visit the Amazon EKS [documentation]( To learn more about Amazon EKS, visit our [product page](/eks/). To learn more about G4 instances, visit the [G4 page](/ec2/instance-types/g4/).