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Amazon ECS adds support for G4 Instance types



Amazon Elastic Container Service(ECS) now supports the ability to add [G4 Instance types](/ec2/instance-types/g4/) to your ECS clusters in all regions where G4 is supported by Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) . Amazon EC2 G4 instances deliver the industry’s most cost-effective GPU instance for deploying machine learning models in production and graphics-intensive applications. G4 instances are optimized for machine learning application deployments (inference), such as image classification, object detection, recommendation engines, automated speech recognition, and language translation that need access to low level GPU software libraries. G4 instances are supported with the Amazon ECS GPU-optimized AMI Version 20190913 and higher. To get started with adding a GPU instance to your ECS cluster, visit the Amazon ECS [documentation]( To learn more about Amazon ECS, visit our [product page](/ecs/).