Avoid Unnecessary Classification Model Deployment Charges at GA
## Change
**Avoid Unnecessary Classification Model Deployment Charges at GA**
1. **Review each project's Models**. You can review your models by:
1. Visit the Google Cloud Console [project selector dashboard](https://console.cloud.google.com/projectselector/home/dashboard) to access each of your projects in turn.
2. From each project page, click the top left navigation menu (hamburger icon), scroll down and select Vision dashboard (**Artificial Intelligence > Vision**).
3. From the Vision dashboard, select the Image Classification card under AutoML Vision. If dataset migration has completed for your project, you will be redirected to access the UI shared with Object Detection. Some customers will not be redirected in this step today, and must complete the following steps when redirection works. If you cannot complete them by October 31st, 2019, join the [cloud-vision-discuss](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cloud-vision-discuss) Google group to request assistance.
2. The UI will display your existing Classification models as deployed with '0 nodes'. This indicates that they are still deployed on the old online prediction service.
3. **[Redeploy](https://cloud.google.com/vision/automl/docs/deploy#initial%5Fmodel%5Fdeployment) active Image Classification models or [update model's node number](https://cloud.google.com/vision/automl/docs/deploy#automl%5Fvision%5Fclassification%5Fdeploy%5Fmodel%5Fnode%5Fcount-web-integrated) to adjust online prediction queries served per second**, Each node that is selected for deployment will incur hourly charge of $1.25 (USD) at GA.
4. When you are done with these steps, no Classification model should be left in initial state, deployed with '0 nodes'. Each model left in this state will serve online predictions from the old service, but will be excluded from our Service Level Agreement offered at GA, and will be **undeployed on February 21, 2020**.
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