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Shared VPC now supports Network Load Balancer



Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) now supports creating and managing Network Load Balancers (NLB) in shared VPCs. Using NLBs with VPC sharing, you can now route traffic across subnets in VPCs owned by a centrally managed account in the same AWS Organization. To get started, the VPC owner shares a subnet with your account using the Resource Access Manager. You can then view, create, modify, and delete your NLBs or load balancing targets (e.g. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Amazon Elastic Containers) in the shared subnets. You can also use NLBs to create an AWS PrivateLink service, which will enable users to privately access your services in the shared subnets from other VPCs or on-premises networks, without using public IPs or requiring the traffic to traverse the internet. Support for VPC sharing and Network Load Balancers is available in all commercial AWS Regions except in Asia Pacific (Osaka-Local), Asia Pacific (Hong Kong), Middle East (Bahrain), AWS China (Beijing), and AWS China (Ningxia) regions For additional information, please visit VPC sharing [documentation]( and the [Network Load Balancer](/elasticloadbalancing/) product page.