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AWS Step Functions now supports AWS PrivateLink



[AWS Step Functions](/step-functions/) now supports [AWS PrivateLink](/privatelink/) allowing you to access AWS Step Functions from VPC-enabled AWS Lambda functions and other AWS services without traversing the public internet. By using AWS PrivateLink, you can access Step Functions while keeping your network traffic within the Amazon network using interface VPC endpoints. Your network architecture is significantly simplified as you no longer need to use an Internet Gateway, Network Address Translation (NAT) devices, or firewall proxies to connect to AWS Step Functions. Using Step Functions, you can create application workflows that connect and coordinate multiple AWS services. AWS Step Functions support for AWS PrivateLink is available in [all commercial](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) and [AWS GovCloud (US) Regions](/govcloud-us/) where AWS Step Functions is available. To learn more: * Set up interface VPC endpoints by going over the [Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Endpoints for AWS Step Functions]( in the _AWS Step Functions Developer Guide._ * You can attach policies to VPC endpoints to control access to your state machines. Please refer to [VPC endpoint policies for Step Functions]( in the _AWS Step Functions Developer Guide_. * AWS Step Functions conforms to common compliance standards. Understand the compliance scope for AWS Step Functions by reviewing the [list of AWS Services in Scope of AWS assurance programs](/compliance/services-in-scope/) in _the AWS Cloud Security guide._