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Azure Bastion is now available in 20 new regions



Azure Bastion is now generally available in 20 new regions. Azure Bastion is a managed PaaS service that provides secure and seamless RDP/SSH connectivity to your virtual machines directly in the Azure portal over SSL and without any public IP on your virtual machines. Azure Bastion is provisioned in your Azure Virtual Network and provides seamless and secure RDP and SSH connectivity to all VMs in your virtual network. The service is now available in these new regions: * Australia Central 2 * Australia Southeast * Brazil South * Canada Central * Central US * East Asia * France Central * Japan West * Korea Central * Korea South * North Central US * North Europe * Norway East * South Africa North * Southeast Asia * UAE Central * UK South * UK West * West Central US * West India [Learn more]( * Azure Bastion * Services * [ Azure Bastion](