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Introducing AWS Lambda Ready Partners



AWS customers are using [AWS Lambda](/lambda/) to build highly available and scalable applications without thinking about servers. Customers want to know which APN Technology Partner developer tools work best to help them easily deploy, monitor, and secure their Lambda-based workloads. Today, we launched the AWS Lambda Ready Program, part of the [AWS Service Ready Program](/partners/service-ready/), to help customers find developer tooling solutions validated by AWS serverless experts to integrate with AWS Lambda. Products from [AWS Lambda Ready Partners](/lambda/partners/) are developer tools reviewed by AWS to help AWS customers build serverless applications and run code without having to worry about provisioning or managing servers. They include AWS validated solutions for deploying, managing, monitoring, and securing customer’s AWS Lambda functions. AWS Lambda Ready Partner products follow AWS best practices for integrating with AWS Lambda and have proven to deliver value for customers developing serverless applications. [](/partners/service-ready/) [Find an AWS Lambda Ready Partner >>](/lambda/partners/) Learn more [here.](