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Introducing Genomics Secondary Analysis using AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch



[Genomics Secondary Analysis Using AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch](/solutions/genomics-secondary-analysis-using-aws-step-functions-and-aws-batch/) is an AWS Solution that creates a scalable environment on AWS to develop, build, deploy, and run genomics secondary analysis pipelines – e.g., processing raw whole genome sequences into variant calls. Customers can deploy this solution for their genomics analysis and research projects. The solution deploys from [AWS CloudFormation](/cloudformation/) and builds Docker containers for pipeline tooling, provisions [AWS Batch](/batch/) resources for job execution, and uses [AWS Step Functions](/step-functions/) to orchestrate jobs into cohesive workflows. It utilizes [AWS CodeCommit](/codecommit/) and [AWS CodePipeline](/codepipeline/) for continuous integration and continuous delivery for the genomics workflows and the infrastructure that supports their execution. It also includes an [Amazon CloudWatch](/cloudwatch/) operational dashboard to monitor status and performance for pipelines and tools. To learn more about Genomics Secondary Analysis Using AWS Step Functions and AWS Batch, see the [solution webpage](/solutions/genomics-secondary-analysis-using-aws-step-functions-and-aws-batch/). Additional AWS Solutions are available on the [AWS Solutions Implementations](/solutions/implementations/) webpage, where customers can browse solutions by product category or industry to find AWS-vetted, automated, turnkey reference implementations that address specific business needs.