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Azure Service Fabric 7.1 First Refresh Release



The Azure Service Fabric 7.1 first refresh release includes bug fixes, and performance enhancements for standalone and Azure environments, and it has started being rolled out to the various Azure regions. The updates for .NET SDK, Java SDK and Service Fabric Runtime are available through Web Platform Installer, NuGet packages and Maven repositories in 7-10 days within all regions. * Service Fabric runtime * Windows – _7.1.416.9590_ * Ubuntu – _7.1.418.1_ * Service Fabric for Windows Server Service Fabric Standalone Installer Package – 7.1.416.9590 * .NET SDK * Windows .NET SDK – _4.1.416_ * Microsoft.ServiceFabric – _7.1.416_ * Reliable Services and Reliable Actors – 4.1.416 * ASP.NET Core Service Fabric integration – _4.1.416_ * Java SDK – 1.0.6 **Key announcements** * Automatic upgrades will resume as of this release. Any clusters set to automatic upgrades will pick up 7.1CU1 as soon it becomes available in the region. Clusters that have not already upgraded from 7.0 to 7.1 will upgrade directly to 7.1CU1\. * [General availability of request drain]( During planned service maintenance, such as service upgrades or node deactivation, you would like to allow the services to drain connections gracefully. This feature adds an instance close delay duration to the service configuration. During planned operations, SF will remove the Service’s address from discovery and then wait for this duration before shutting down the service. For more details, please read the [release notes]( "SF 70CU4 release notes"). * Service Fabric * SDK and Tools * Services * Open Source * [ Service Fabric](