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AWS announces a 86%+ price reduction for AWS IoT Events



Today, we are reducing the price of [AWS IoT Events](/iot-events/). AWS IoT Events is a fully managed service that makes it easy to detect and respond to changes indicated by IoT sensors and applications. For example, you can use AWS IoT Events to detect malfunctioning machinery, a stuck conveyor belt, or a slowdown in production output. When an event is detected, AWS IoT Events automatically triggers actions or alerts so that you can resolve issues quickly, reduce maintenance costs, and increase operational efficiency. With AWS IoT Events, you pay for each message evaluated to determine the state of your equipment or processes. We are reducing the current price per message evaluation at the lowest usage tier in AWS IoT Events by 86%, and introducing additional usage tiers that provide higher discounts for workloads over 100 million message evaluations per month. The price of each message evaluation includes triggering of up to 2 actions to [other AWS services]( Each additional set of 2 actions will be metered and charged as an additional message evaluation. For example, in the US East (N. Virginia) region, the new pricing is as follows: * $15 per million message evaluations for the first 100 million message evaluations per month * $10 per million message evaluations for usage between 100 million and 500 million message evaluations per month * $5 per million message evaluations for usage between 500 million and 5 billion message evaluations per month * $3 per million message evaluations for usage above 5 billion message evaluations per month For more details on the new AWS IoT Events pricing for all regions, visit the [AWS IoT Events Pricing](/iot-events/pricing/) page. These pricing changes are applicable to [10 AWS regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) in which AWS IoT Events is currently available. AWS IoT Events customers automatically benefit from this new reduced pricing, which is effective September 1, 2020\. To learn more, visit the [AWS IoT Events](/iot-events/) page, or get started with [AWS IoT Events documentation](