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Amazon Lightsail now offers new OS blueprints



[Amazon Lightsail](/lightsail/) now offers a variety of new OS-only instance blueprints, including Amazon Linux 2, Ubuntu 20, Windows Server 2019, and Debian 10\. Lightsail provides a curated selection of blueprints that specify the operating system and software that is preinstalled on your instance bundle when it's created. With this launch, Lightsail now offers a wider variety of OS blueprints to choose from, making it even easier to build applications on your preferred OS with just a few clicks. In addition to providing compute instances preinstalled with your favorite OS, Lightsail bundles include storage and a generous amount of data transfer, so you have everything you need to get up and running, all for a fixed monthly price. After your bundles are deployed, Lightsail’s intuitive management console makes it easy to track metrics, create snapshots, and manage the DNS records and static IPs associated with your bundles, all in one place. You can create Lightsail bundles with these new OS-only blueprints in all AWS Regions where Lightsail is available, for the same low and predictable monthly prices that you’re used to. Check out our documentation to learn more about getting started with [Linux]( and [Windows]( instances.