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Azure Stack Edge Pro R now generally available



Azure Stack Edge Pro R is part of the Azure Stack portfolio that extends the power of Azure to consistently build and run hybrid applications across cloud, datacenter, and edge locations. * Get a seamless cloud to edge experience where you configure, monitor, and update your Azure Stack Edge with the same management portal and development tools that you've come to expect from Azure. * Run your containerized applications and VMs right at the edge where data is created and collected. Analyze, transform, and filter data at the edge, sending only the data you need to the cloud for further processing or storage. * Build and train machine learning models in Azure or use Azure Cognitive service and then utilize the built-in NVIDIA T4 GPU to accelerate the results locally. Upload the full dataset or a subset to the cloud to retrain your models and make your edge devices even smarter. * Azure Stack Edge acts as a cloud storage gateway and enables eyes-off data transfers to Azure, while retaining local access to files. With its local cache capability and bandwidth throttling to limit usage during peak business hours, Azure Stack Edge can be used to optimize your data transfers to Azure and back. Simply order your appliance from the Azure portal in a hardware-as-a-service model, paid monthly via your Azure subscription. [Learn more about Azure Stack Edge]( [Learn more about the announcement]( * Azure Stack Edge * Services * [ Azure Stack Edge](