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Queuing purchases of Savings Plans



Starting today, you can queue purchases of Savings Plans by specifying a time of your choosing in the future to execute those purchases. In November 2019, AWS launched Savings Plans, a new flexible pricing model that allows customers to save up to 72% on Amazon EC2, AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda in exchange for making a commitment to a consistent amount of compute usage (e.g. $10/hour) for a 1- or 3-year term. Now, with the ability to queue purchases, you can enjoy easier planning and uninterrupted Savings Plans coverage, helping you save money on your overall bill. By scheduling purchases in the future, you can conveniently renew your expiring Savings Plans or plan ahead of time for future events. You can also take advantage of the simplicity offered by Savings Plans by aligning new Savings Plans purchases with Reserved Instances expiration's. [Click here]( to learn more about queueing purchases of Savings Plans and visit the [AWS Cost Management Console]( to get started.