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Public Preview: JBoss EAP on Azure App Service



For several years, Red Hat and Microsoft have [partnered]( to create cloud solutions that enable enterprises to achieve more. Azure Red Hat Openshift, released in 2019, brought a jointly-managed enterprise-grade Kubernetes solution to Azure. Since 2016, Azure has offered Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on virtual machines. You can now run JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) on Azure App Service. For readers who are not familiar, Azure App Service is a managed hosting service for web and API applications, providing features for auto-scaling, networking, authorization, and more. With App Service, you can deploy Web Application Archive (WAR) and Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) applications using App Service’s deployment API’s or CI/CD integration. Once your apps are deployed, set up auto-scaling to handle periods of higher load. During the public preview, JBoss EAP 7.2 is offered on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 using OpenJDK 8\. A version of JBoss EAP on Java 11 will be available later during the public preview. JBoss EAP on Azure App Service is at current prices. As a preview release, there is no commercial support offering and use of the preview is limited to development and testing of your applications. [Try the tutorial]( [Read the announcement blog]( * App Service * Features * Pricing & Offerings * Services * [ App Service](