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Announcing AWS Budgets price reduction



To coincide with our new [AWS Budgets Actions launch](/about-aws/whats-new/2020/10/announcing-aws-budgets-actions/), we are reducing the price for budget-days from $.02 to free. Before this reduction, customers received 62 free budget-days per month before paying $.02 per budget-day for all active budgets within a regular account or consolidated billing family. Customers who simply want to monitor their cost, usage, RI or Savings Plans coverage and utilization can now do so free of charge. Customers who want to configure actions for their budget targets can take advantage of the new perpetual free tier offer of 62 action-enabled budget-days (e.g., 62 action-enabled budget-days will cover 2 budgets with actions enabled for 31 days for the life of the regular account or consolidated billing family). Each subsequent action-enabled budget-day will cost $.10, regardless of the number of actions associated with a budget (up to 50 actions per budget). To learn more about AWS Budgets Actions Pricing, refer to the [AWS Budgets](/aws-cost-management/aws-budgets/) Pricing webpage.