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.NET 5 now available in App Service



This week at .NET Conf, the Azure and .NET teams announced that App Service will provide support for .NET 5 on the same day as it reached general availability. Moving forward, every new preview release of .NET will be available on App Service on DAY zero of its release. Using the [new Early Access feature](, developed in partnership with the .NET team, App Service can now deliver faster and more frequent updates for all supported languages. While .NET 5 is the first runtime to be delivered, App Service will also use the feature to provide immediate access to the latest releases for other languages, including Node and Python. To learn more, visit the [ASP.NET blog]( and tune in to our sessions and demo at [.NET Conf 2020]( on Modernizing .NET Framework Apps with App Service and .NET 5. [Learn more]( * App Service * Features * [ App Service](