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AWS Storage Gateway achieves FedRAMP compliance



[AWS Storage Gateway](/storagegateway/) has achieved Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) High authorization, approved by the FedRAMP Joint Authorization Board (JAB), for the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions. FedRAMP compliance enables you to use AWS Storage Gateway to store and manage your critical workloads in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region’s authorization boundary with data up to the high impact level. US Federal agencies and commercial customers working with the US Federal government can now deploy AWS Storage Gateway in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region, providing you with an authorized solution which meets your FedRAMP compliance requirements. High impact level security controls provide you with an environment to store your most sensitive, unclassified data. Storage Gateway is a hybrid cloud storage service that provides on-premises applications access to virtually unlimited cloud storage using NFS, SMB, iSCSI, and iSCSI-VTL interfaces through file, tape, and volume gateways. You can use the service for backing up and archiving data to AWS, providing on-premises file shares backed by cloud storage, and providing on-premises applications low latency access to in-cloud data. For more information about FedRAMP compliance for AWS Storage Gateway, visit the [FedRAMP compliance page](/compliance/fedramp/). Storage Gateway is FedRAMP High compliant in GovCloud (US-West) and GovCloud (US-East) Regions. Visit the [AWS Storage Gateway user guide]( to learn more. Access the [Storage Gateway console]( to get started.