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The Amazon Chime SDK now supports messaging



The Amazon Chime SDK makes it easier for developers to add VoIP audio, PSTN audio, video, and content sharing to their applications. Starting today, the Amazon Chime SDK also enables developers to connect communities of users with secure, scalable, and persistent messaging. Amazon Chime SDK messaging provides the building blocks needed to build chat and other real-time messaging features. Available APIs include sending messages, retrieving message history, editing messages, deleting messages, setting retention policies on stored messages, and streaming chat export. These APIs are combined with the Amazon Chime SDK for Javascript and managed messaging infrastructure so developers don't have to worry about building and scaling their own. The Amazon Chime SDK lets developers add real-time audio, video, messaging, and screen sharing capabilities to their web or mobile applications. To learn more about the Amazon Chime SDK, review the following resources: * [Build chat features into your application with Amazon Chime SDK messaging]( * [Amazon Chime Developer Guide]( * [Amazon Chime SDK API Reference]( * []([Amazon Chime SDK](/chime/chime-sdk/)