AWS Amplify announces new Admin UI
Admin UI offers frontend web and mobile developers an easy way to develop app backends and manage app content outside the AWS console. Every Amplify app backend is now automatically set up with the admin UI which can be used to model data, add authentication and authorization, and manage app content, users, and groups. Team members without AWS access can be invited to join the admin UI via email, giving both developers and non-developers easier access to configure and manage the app backend and app data.
Admin UI’s data model designer allows you to build a backend by focusing on your domain-specific objects (e.g., product with description and price), relationships (e.g., products have many orders), and authorization rules (e.g., only signed in users can order a product) instead of setting up database tables, APIs, and authentication infrastructure. Once defined, the admin UI automatically provisions necessary backend infrastructure such as Amazon Cognito, AWS AppSync, and Amazon DynamoDB using AWS CloudFormation. You can optionally pull the resulting stack templates into the Amplify CLI to continue development on your local machine. Connect to the backend from your app using DataStore, Amplify’s client library that enables realtime and offline capabilities. All app data is available in the admin UI’s content management view, enabling app admins to log in and manage content (e.g. updating a product price).
Admin UI is available in 12 AWS Regions at launch: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Canada (Central), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), EU (London).
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