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Amazon Kendra launches connector library



[Amazon Kendra](/kendra/) is a highly accurate and easy to use intelligent search service powered by machine learning. Starting today, customers can centralize content from over 40+ data sources and make it discoverable, with the launch of the [Amazon Kendra connector library](/kendra/connectors/). For many enterprises, critical business information is hard to find. It’s often stored as unstructured data scattered across multiple content repositories which include storage solutions like Amazon S3, Box, and Microsoft OneDrive, collaboration tools like Atlassian Confluence, Atlassian Jira, and GitLab, as well as ERP and communications platforms like SAP and Slack. The [Amazon Kendra connector library](/kendra/connectors/) offers native connectors, as well as an expanding list of partner connectors from AWS partners like Raytion. These connectors synchronize data from multiple content repositories and can be scheduled to automatically sync your index with your data sources, so you're always securely searching through the most up to date content. In addition to data source connectors, AWS customers can also work with integration partners like [Accenture](, [Persistent Systems](, [Perficient Inc.](, [Onix](, [TensorIoT](, and others as they build and deploy intelligent search applications, powered by Amazon Kendra. Amazon Kendra connectors can be used in all [regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) where Amazon Kendra is available. To learn more about Amazon Kendra visit the [website](/kendra/) or to get started dive into the developer [documentation](