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Introducing AWS Systems Manager Fleet Manager



Today, AWS announces Fleet Manager, a new capability in AWS Systems Manager that helps you streamline and scale your remote server management process. Fleet Manager provides you with visual tools to manage your Windows, Linux, and macOS servers, so you can easily perform common administrator tasks for your fleet running on AWS and on-premises, without needing to remotely connect to these servers. Fleet Manager can assist you with managing and troubleshooting your server fleet, including file system exploration, log management, Windows Registry operations, performance counters, and user management. Because Fleet Manager is operating system (OS) agnostic, you can also perform common OS operations seamlessly on Windows, Linux, and macOS servers through the Systems Manager console. Fleet Manager is available in all AWS Regions where Systems Manager is offered (excluding the AWS GovCloud (US) Regions and AWS China Regions). To get started, choose Fleet Manager from the Systems Manager left navigation pane. To learn more about Fleet Manager, read our [blog post]( or see our [documentation]( and [AWS Systems Manager FAQs](