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AWS Glue launches AWS Glue Custom Connectors



Today we announced the availability of AWS Glue custom connectors, a new capability in AWS Glue and AWS Glue Studio that makes it easy for you to transfer data from SaaS applications and custom data sources to your data lake in Amazon S3\. With just a few clicks, you can search and select connectors from the [AWS Marketplace](/marketplace/) and begin your data preparation workflow in minutes. For example, with the new capability, you can take advantage of connectors for Salesforce, SAP, and Snowflake. You can also build custom connectors and share them across teams, and integrate open source Spark connectors and [Athena federated query]( connectors into you data preparation workflows. If you are an AWS Partner, you can develop custom connectors and share them on the AWS Marketplace. AWS Glue custom connectors integrates with [AWS Secrets Managers](/secrets-manager/) and simplifies the distribution of credentials. In addition, AWS Glue custom connectors supports AWS Glue features such as bookmarking for processing incremental data, data source authorization, source data filtering, and query response pagination. This expanded capability is available in [every Region where AWS Glue is available](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/). To learn more, visit the [AWS Glue User Guide]( Access the [AWS Glue Studio]( to get started.