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AWS Service Catalog now supports TagOption Sharing



Today, AWS Service Catalog is releasing TagOption sharing, which enables administrators to distribute TagOptions when sharing portfolios to AWS accounts. TagOptions are key-value pairs used by administrators to define and enforce their tagging taxonomy. In their central account, administrators can define TagOptions and associate them to products and portfolios. With TagOption sharing, administrators can now easily share TagOptions associated with portfolios and products with other accounts. When TagOptions are added or removed in the central account, that change is automatically reflected in recipient accounts. When an end user provisions a product that has TagOptions associated with it, they choose from a list of TagOption values that then become tags on the provisioned product. In recipients’ accounts administrators can associate additional local TagOptions to their imported portfolio to enforce tagging rules that are specific to that account. Service Catalog TagOption Sharing is supported for both account-to-account sharing and Organizational sharing. It is available via the AWS API, CLI, and Service Catalog console in all [AWS commercial and GovCloud Regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/). To learn more, read the [documentation on the Service Catalog Tag Option Sharing](