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Amazon CloudSearch announces updates to its search instances



Amazon CloudSearch has updated the existing search instances with new instances that provide better availability and performance at the same pricing. The new instances are one to one replacements, but leverage newer generation EC2 instances underneath, thereby improving the overall stability of your domain. The new CloudSearch instances are available across small, medium, large, xlarge, and 2xlarge sizes. Starting today, new domains that you create will automatically use these instances. If you have existing CloudSearch domains, over the next several weeks, we will move them to the new instances. No action is required by you. This transition will be seamless, and you will see a notification on your Amazon CloudSearch console once your domain has been updated. The new instances are now available across 10 regions globally: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon, N. California), Asia Pacific (Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo), EU (Frankfurt, Ireland), South America (Sao Paulo). Please refer to the [AWS Region Table](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) for more information about Amazon CloudSearch availability. To learn more, please see the [documentation]( and [CloudSearch FAQs](