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Resource Groups Tagging API launches ResourceARNList parameter for the GetResources operation



The [GetResources]( operation of the [Resource Groups Tagging API]( helps you return all the tagged or previously tagged resources located in the specified region in an AWS account. The GetResources operation now supports the [ResourceARNList]( parameter. This new parameter accepts a list of up to 100 [Amazon Resource Names]( (ARNs), and returns a list of the specified resources and the tag data attached to each. This new ResourceARNList parameter lets you keep track of the tag status of the AWS resources you care about. Instead of having to do multiple calls to check for each resource individually, and then assemble the results, this feature lets you check tag status for multiple ARNs and get the results using a single call. If your account is part of an [AWS Organization](, this new feature also works with the [Tag Policies]( If your call to GetResources also specifies the [IncludeComplianceDetails]( parameter, the results include details about compliance with the effective tag policy for each resource in the **ResourceARNList**. With this new feature, you can retrieve tag data and Tag Policies compliance details for resources from different AWS services at no additional charge in all AWS regions. To get started, see the [GetResources]( operation in the _Resource Groups Tagging API Reference Guide_.