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AWS Proton now supports services without pipelines



[AWS Proton](/proton/) now allows you to define services that do not include pipelines, giving developer and platform teams flexibility in defining, provisioning, and deploying their services. AWS Proton is the first fully managed application deployment service for containers and serverless. Platform engineering teams can use AWS Proton to connect and coordinate all the different tools needed for infrastructure provisioning, code deployments, monitoring, and updates. You can define AWS Proton services that do not require a pipeline. This means developers do not need to provide information about their Git repository or pipeline inputs to create a service. Your developer and platform teams can generate deployment artifacts and still leverage AWS Proton’s central management capabilities to ensure that all deployments are up-to-date. You can read more about creating AWS Proton templates in our [documentation]( To get started with AWS Proton, visit our [product page](/proton/).