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AWS Lambda adds four Trusted Advisor checks



[AWS Lambda](/lambda/) now supports four new Trusted Advisor checks to help customers optimize the cost, security, function runtime version and fault tolerance of their Lambda functions. [AWS Trusted Advisor](/premiumsupport/technology/trusted-advisor/) is an online tool that provides you real time guidance to help you provision your resources following AWS best practices. These checks capture some common best practices that help customers improve their experience and lower their overall cost. The new checks are: 1. **High Error Rates** \- Checks for functions with an error rate of more than 10% a day in one of the last 7 days. Lambda charges based on number of requests for your function. Function errors may result in retries that incur extra charges. 2. **Excessive Timeouts** \- Checks for functions with a timeout rate of more than 10% a day in one of the last 7 days. Timeout is the amount of time that Lambda allows a function to run before stopping it. Excessive timeouts result in retries and additional execution time for the function, incurring request charges and billed duration. 3. **Use of deprecated (or about to be deprecated) Runtime** \- Checks for function runtimes that have been, or are about to be, deprecated. 4. **VPC Enabled Function in a Single AZ** \- Checks for VPC-enabled Lambda functions that are vulnerable to service interruption in a single availability zone. AWS recommends that customers connect VPC-enabled functions to multiple availability zones for high availability. The new checks are available to view in the Trusted Advisor portion of the [AWS Console]( as well as accessible via the [AWS Support API]( Customers can set up alerts based on the results of Trusted Advisor checks. To learn more about setting up alarms using CloudWatch, see: [Creating Trusted Advisor alarms using CloudWatch]( For a full set of Trusted Advisor Best Practice Checks, see: [AWS Trusted Advisor best practice checklist](/premiumsupport/technology/trusted-advisor/best-practice-checklist/). Go [here]( for Lambda documentation.