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Amazon Kendra launches dynamic relevance tuning



[Amazon Kendra](/kendra/) is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning, that enables organizations to provide more relevant information to customers and employees, when they need it. Starting today, Amazon Kendra is giving AWS customers more control when it comes to optimizing search results for end users with the release of dynamic relevance tuning. In addition to improved accuracy that’s provided out-of-the-box through incremental learning, and the ability to boost specific data sources, content, or documents via relevance tuning at the index level, AWS customers can now optimize search results at query time based on user or application context, using dynamic relevance tuning. For example, at an IT organization, an engineer may prefer to see results boosted by data sources like internal wikis or Atlassian Confluence, whereas a HR employee would prefer to see search results boosted by more relevant data sources such as SharePoint and internal websites that contain documents like employee policies and guidelines. Dynamic relevance tuning is available in all [AWS regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) where Amazon Kendra is available. To learn more how you can configure dynamic relevance tuning visit the [documentation page]( To learn more about Kendra, visit the [Amazon Kendra website](/kendra/).