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Amazon Kendra releases Query Suggestions



[Amazon Kendra](/kendra/) is an intelligent search service powered by machine learning, that enables organizations to provide more relevant information to customers and employees, when they need it. Starting today, AWS customers can use Amazon Kendra’s Query Suggestions feature to guide end users towards more commonly asked questions and save them time in their search for the information they need. Today, users have high expectations for the online search experience. Whether they’re searching at work or in their daily lives as consumers, certain search functions and features have become synonymous with the delightful search experiences, and Query Suggestions fits within this category. With this feature, Amazon Kendra customers can suggest popular search queries to end users as they type their query into the search box. For example, if an end user starts typing, “How to”, Kendra can suggest options like “How to get access to salesforce?” or “How to create a sales report?”, shortening the time it takes for a user to enter a query and locate relevant information. With Query Suggestions, Amazon Kendra customers can configure rules to determine how query suggestions are created and control or block certain queries from being suggested. This not only saves time but also improves overall search experience as more precise questions lead to more relevant answers. Query Suggestions is available in all [AWS regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) where Amazon Kendra is available. To learn more about the feature, visit the [documentation page]( To learn more about Amazon Kendra, visit the [Amazon Kendra website](/kendra/).