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Amazon HealthLake is now Generally Available



Amazon HealthLake, now in General Availability, is a HIPAA-eligible service that enables healthcare providers, health insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies to securely store, transform, query, and analyze health data at petabyte scale. Amazon HealthLake removes the heavy lifting of organizing, indexing, and structuring patient information to provide a complete view of the health of individual patients and entire patient populations in a secure, compliant, and auditable manner. Using the HealthLake APIs, healthcare and life science organizations can easily ingest health data in the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) industry standard format from on-premises systems to a secure data lake in the cloud. For organizations whose data is not yet in the FHIR standard, AWS Connector Partners, including Diameter Health, HealthLX, InterSystems, and Redox, have validated HealthLake connectors to help them convert their existing healthcare data to FHIR. HealthLake transforms unstructured data using specialized machine learning models, like natural language processing, to automatically extract meaningful medical information from the data, which can then be queried and searched. Organizations can apply advanced analytics using Amazon QuickSight and build machine learning models with Amazon SageMaker to analyze and understand relationships, identify trends, and make predictions with health data. From early detection of disease to population health trends, organizations can use their structured health data in Amazon HealthLake to conduct their own clinical data analysis to improve care and reduce costs. Amazon HealthLake is generally available in the following AWS Regions: US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), and US West (Oregon). To learn more about available Amazon HealthLake use case resources, view the [blog]( To get started with Amazon HealthLake, visit our [documentation](, [webpage](/healthlake/) and [workshop]([](/healthlake/)