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Updated AWS Solutions Implementation: AWS CloudEndure Migration Factory Solution



[AWS CloudEndure Migration Factory Solution](/solutions/implementations/aws-cloudendure-migration-factory-solution/) coordinates and automates manual processes for larger scaled migrations involving a substantial number of servers. This solutions implementation helps enterprises improve migration velocity and prevents long cutover windows by providing an orchestration and automation platform for rehosting servers to AWS at scale. The updated version supports [AWS Application Migration Service](/application-migration-service/) (AWS MGN). You can now use the same automation we built into AWS CloudEndure Migration Factory Solution to automate both AWS MGN and CloudEndure Migration. For example: * Integrate different types of tools that support migration, such as discovery tools, migration tools, and configuration management database (CMDB) tools. * Automate many small, manual tasks in large migration, which helps save time and makes it easier to scale. To learn more and get started, please visit the solutions implementation [web page](/solutions/implementations/aws-cloudendure-migration-factory-solution/). Additional AWS Solutions Implementations are available on [the AWS Solutions Implementations webpage](/solutions/implementations/), where you can browse technical reference implementations that are vetted by AWS architects, offering detailed architecture and instructions for deployment to help build faster to solve common problems.