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AWS Network Firewall is Now HIPAA Eligible



Starting today, AWS Network Firewall is a [HIPAA eligible service](/compliance/services-in-scope/). This means you can use AWS Network Firewall to secure and inspect protected health information (PHI) stored in your accounts. If you have a HIPAA Business Associate Addendum (BAA) in place with AWS, you can now start using AWS Network Firewall for your HIPAA-regulated workloads. If you don't have a BAA in place with AWS, or if you have any other questions about running HIPAA-regulated workloads on AWS, please [contact us](/compliance/contact/). AWS Network Firewall is a managed firewall service that makes it easy to deploy essential network protections for all your Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). The service automatically scales with network traffic volume to provide high-availability protections without the need to set up or maintain the underlying infrastructure. AWS Network Firewall is integrated with AWS Firewall Manager to provide you with central visibility and control of your firewall policies across multiple AWS accounts. To learn more about AWS Network Firewall, please see the AWS Network Firewall [product page](/network-firewall/) and service [documentation](