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Support for multi-key encryption now available with AWS Elemental MediaPackage and SPEKE v2.0



[AWS Elemental MediaPackage](/mediapackage/) now supports version 2.0 of the Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) API. SPEKE v2 makes it possible to use native Content Protection Information Exchange Format (CPIX) 2.3 documents which allows for the use of multiple encryption keys for different media tracks. With MediaPackage and SPEKE v2 you can now use two keys, one for audio tracks and one for video tracks with live DASH and CMAF streams, with support for more complex encryption models for content protection requirements to follow. AWS has also launched a new SPEKE v2.0 Qualification Program for partner DRM platforms. The program includes automated and manual tests to verify the implementations’ compliance and the end-to-end interoperability with reference video players. Qualified SPEKE v2.0 DRM platforms partners are: Axinom, BuyDRM, [castLabs](, [Inka Entworks](, and [Intertrust]( For more information see the [SPEKE v2.0 Specification]( and read the AWS Media Blog on [improving streaming content security with SPEKE v2.0 and AWS Elemental MediaPackage]( And to get started visit the MediaPackage [content encryption](, [Live CMAF](, [Live DASH](, and [Live API]( documentation pages. With MediaPackage, you can reduce workflow complexity, increase origin resiliency, and better protect multiscreen content without the risk of under or over-provisioning infrastructure. MediaPackage functions independently or as part of [AWS Elemental Media Services](/media-services/), a family of services that form the foundation of cloud-based video workflows and offer the capabilities you need to transport, create, package, monetize, and deliver video. Visit the [AWS region table](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) for a full list of AWS Regions where AWS Elemental MediaPackage is available.