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Amazon Connect Voice ID is now generally available



Amazon Connect Voice ID is a Machine Learning (ML) powered voice authentication feature for Amazon Connect that makes voice interactions in contact centers more secure and efficient. Historically, contact centers have used a time-consuming knowledge-based authentication process where callers have to answer multiple questions based on personal details, such as social security number or date of birth. Amazon Connect Voice ID analyzes caller's unique voice characteristics using machine learning to verify identity in real-time without changing the natural flow of conversation. This helps improve agent productivity and contact center operating costs. Amazon Connect Voice ID also detects fraudsters in real-time from a custom watch-list for a contact center instance, improving security of contact center operations. Amazon Connect Voice ID's authentication and fraud risk detection can be enabled in an Amazon Connect Instance using a simple Console interface. Drag and drop integration with Amazon Connect contact flows make it easy to setup and configure Voice ID, providing a high degree of control and flexibility in managing Interactive Voice Response sequence for both authentication and fraud risk detection. Amazon Connect Voice ID exposes these capabilities to agents in the Connect agent application, making it simple to optimize agents' time in verifying the caller's identity. With Amazon Connect Voice ID, you only pay for what you use based on the number of enrollment, authentication or fraud risk detection transactions. There are no required up-front payments, long-term commitments or minimum monthly fees. Please visit the [Amazon Connect](/connect/pricing/) pricing page for more details. Amazon Connect Voice ID is now available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (London) AWS regions. To learn more about Amazon Connect Voice ID visit our [webpage](/connect/voice-id/) or read the [documentation](