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Amazon Chime SDK announces messaging channel flows



The Amazon Chime SDK lets developers add real-time audio, video, screen share, and messaging capabilities to their web or mobile applications. Starting today, the Amazon Chime SDK allows developers to execute business logic on in-flight messages before they are delivered to members of a messaging channel with channel flows. Using channel flows you can create flows that remove sensitive data such as government ID numbers, phone numbers, or profanity from messages before they are delivered, which may be helpful for implementing corporate communications policies or other communication guidelines. Channel flows can also be used to perform functions like aggregation of responses to a poll before sending results back to participants. To get started, developers create channel processors in [AWS Lambda](/lambda/), building in desired business logic. Channel flows can then be created using up to three different channel processors. Developers can apply channel flow functionality to channels, or channel moderators and administrators can add channel flows to channels. In channels where a flow has been applied, users that send messages will see sent messages briefly in a Pending state before they are delivered to the intended recipients. If a message fails to process, it will go into the Denied state and will not be sent. Recipients only see messages that have been successfully processed, helping ensure that critical business processing is completed on all delivered messages. To learn more about the Amazon Chime SDK and channel flows, review the following resources: * [Amazon Chime SDK](/chime/chime-sdk/) * [Amazon Chime SDK Developer Guide]( * [Amazon Chime SDK for JavaScript ]( * [Blog - Use channel flows to remove profanity and sensitive content from messages in the Amazon Chime SDK](