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Amazon Connect launches scheduled tasks



[Amazon Connect](/connect/) now allows customers to schedule tasks, up-to six days in the future to follow-up on customer issues when promised. For example, to call a customer back on a particular date/time to provide a status update on their issue or to follow up with an internal team for progress updates on a customer service issue. Additionally, customers can now update the task scheduled date/time using the UpdateContactSchedule API [Amazon Connect Tasks](/connect/tasks/) empowers contact center managers to prioritize, assign, track, and automate customer service tasks across the disparate applications used by agents. You can dynamically prioritize and assign tasks based on agent skill set, availability, information about the task (e.g., type, priority/urgency, category), and now a scheduled date/time. Amazon Connect Tasks provides pre-built integrations with CRM applications (e.g., Zendesk, Salesforce) and APIs to more easily integrate with your homegrown and business-specific applications. [Amazon Connect Tasks](/connect/tasks/) is available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Europe (London), Europe (Frankfurt), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), and Asia Pacific (Seoul). Scheduled tasks are priced at the same rate as other tasks. To learn more about Amazon Connect Tasks pricing visit the [Amazon Connect pricing page](/connect/pricing/). To learn more, see the [API reference guide](, [help documentation](, visit [our webpage](/connect/tasks/), or read this [blog post]( that provides instructions on how to setup Amazon Connect Tasks for your contact center.