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Amazon Voice Focus as an Amazon Machine Image



Amazon Voice Focus, an industry-leading speech enhancement technology currently used for noise reduction in Amazon Chime SDK meetings, is now available packaged as an Amazon Linux 2 (AL2) Machine Image (AMI). The Amazon Voice Focus AMI helps developers, media producers, and content creators reduce noise in real-time speech capture or archived speech recordings. It is a cloud component that application builders can insert into their streaming media and content production pipelines to help reduce unwanted sounds and deliver the speech that users want to be heard. Amazon Voice Focus AMI helps reduce background noises such as fans, lawnmowers, and barking dogs as well as foreground noises like typing and shuffling papers. Media content processed with the Amazon Voice Focus AMI does not leave a customer’s AWS account or Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). This allows the customer to maintain security and control over their content while denoising their media with an [award-winning]( machine learning algorithm. To learn more about the Amazon Voice Focus AMI, please see the following resources: * [Getting Started with Amazon Voice Focus AMI]( * [Amazon Chime Science Blog]( * [Amazon Chime SDK website](/chime/chime-sdk/)