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Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer now detects hardcoded secrets in Java and Python repositories



[Amazon CodeGuru](/codeguru/) is a developer tool powered by machine learning that provides intelligent recommendations to detect security vulnerabilities, improve code quality and identify an application’s most expensive lines of code. Today we are announcing a new secrets detector feature that searches your codebase for hardcoded secrets. It can pinpoint locations in your code of usernames and passwords, database connection strings, tokens, and API keys from AWS and other service providers. When a secret is found in your code, CodeGuru Reviewer provides an actionable recommendation that links to [AWS Secrets Manager](/secrets-manager/) where developers can secure the secret with a point-and-click experience. When you add a new repository to Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer, secrets detector will automatically search Python and Java source, in addition to configuration and documentation files, for secrets. As your codebase evolves, CodeGuru Reviewer continues to help you keep your secrets protected by integrating into your pull request workflow or CI/CD pipeline. To get started with Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer secrets detector, visit the [blog](, [CodeGuru Reviewer Features]( or the [user guide]( To learn more about Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer, take a look at the [Amazon CodeGuru page](/codeguru/). To contact the team visit the Amazon CodeGuru [developer forum](