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AWS Announces the AWS AI & ML Scholarship Program in collaboration with Intel and Udacity to help bring diversity to the future of the AI and ML workforce



The AWS Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) Scholarship program, in collaboration with Intel and Udacity, provides students who self-identify as underserved and underrepresented in tech educational content, career mentorship programs, and 2,500 scholarships annually as part of a commitment to a more diverse future AI & ML workforce. The AWS AI & ML Scholarship aims to help underrepresented and underserved high school and college students learn foundational ML concepts and prepare them for careers in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Delivered in collaboration with Intel and supported by the talent transformation platform Udacity, the AWS AI & ML Scholarship program allows students from around the world to access dozens of hours of free training modules and tutorials on the basics of ML and its real-world applications. Students can use AWS DeepRacer to turn theory into hands-on action by learning how to train ML models to power a virtual race car. Students who successfully complete training educational modules by passing knowledge-check quizzes, and meet certain AWS DeepRacer lap time performance will be eligible to apply for one of 2,000 AI Programming with Python Udacity Nanodegree program scholarships. Five hundred of the top performing students who received the highest scores in the first Udacity Nanodegree program will have the chance to earn a second more advanced Udacity Nanodegree, curated specifically for AWS AI & ML Scholarship recipients. as well as access to mentorship opportunities from tenured Amazon and Intel technology experts for career insights and advice. To learn more about the AWS AI & ML Scholarship, visit [](/machine-learning/scholarship/).