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Introducing Amazon EC2 Hpc6a instances



Amazon Web Services (AWS) announces general availability of Amazon EC2 Hpc6a instances. These instances are optimized to efficiently run compute-intensive, high performance computing workloads, such as computational fluid dynamics, reservoir modeling, weather simulations, and finite element analysis. Hpc6a instances offer up to 65% better price performance over comparable Amazon EC2 x86 based, compute-optimized instances. With Hpc6a instances, you can significantly lower the cost of your HPC workloads, while taking advantage of the elasticity and scalability of AWS. Hpc6a instances are powered by 96 cores of 3rd generation AMD EPYC processors with an all-core turbo frequency of 3.6 GHz, and 384 GB RAM. These instances are built on the [AWS Nitro System](/ec2/nitro/), a collection of AWS-designed hardware and software innovations that enable the delivery of efficient, flexible, and secure cloud services with isolated multi-tenancy, private networking, and fast local storage. Hpc6a instances offer 100 Gbps Elastic Fabric Adapter networking enabled by default for high throughput inter-node communications to help you run your HPC workloads at scale. The Hpc6a instances are available in US East (Ohio) and AWS GovCloud (US West). To optimize HPC instance networking for tightly coupled workloads, you will be able to access the Hpc6a instances in a single Availability Zone. To learn more about the Hpc6a instance, please visit the [product detail page](/ec2/instance-types/hpc6/).