AWS Outposts now FedRAMP authorized
Today we are announcing AWS Outposts is now FedRAMP Moderate authorized for US East (N. Virginia), US East (Ohio), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon) and FedRAMP High authorized for GovCloud (US-West) and GovCloud (US-East).
AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to virtually any on-premises or edge location for a truly consistent hybrid experience. Outposts is available in a variety of form factors, from 1U and 2U Outposts servers to 42U Outposts racks. Outposts is ideal for applications that need to run on-premises to meet low latency requirements. You can also use Outposts to process and manage data locally and to effectively meet your data residency requirements.
FedRAMP granted authorization to AWS Outposts, excluding the hardware components of the service. This means customers and agencies can make a risk-based decision to use AWS Outposts hardware components or conduct a Type Accreditation to review the hardware components of AWS Outposts to process FedRAMP workloads. With this authorization for AWS Outposts for software, in conjunction with a risk-based decision by a federal authorizing official for hardware, customers in the U.S. Federal Agency Community can leverage FedRAMP authorized AWS services in on-premises and edge locations to run their workloads and store data per FedRAMP’s compliance requirements for cloud products and services.
To get started, visit the [AWS Management Console]( To learn more, refer to the [User Guide]( and [Product Overview](/outposts/).
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