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Announcing AWS PrivateLink Support for AWS Backup



[AWS Backup](/backup/) now supports [AWS PrivateLink](/privatelink/), providing direct access to AWS Backup via a private endpoint within your virtual private network in a scalable manner. With PrivateLink, you can now simplify your network architecture by connecting to AWS Backup using private IP addresses in your [Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)](/vpc/), eliminating the need to use public IPs, firewall rules, or an Internet Gateway. AWS PrivateLink support for AWS Backup is available in all the [AWS Regions](/about-aws/global-infrastructure/regional-product-services/) where AWS Backup is supported. AWS PrivateLink is available at a low per-GB charge for data processed and a low hourly charge for interface VPC endpoints. See [AWS PrivateLink pricing](/privatelink/pricing/) for more information. You can get started by creating a PrivateLink VPC interface endpoint for AWS Backup using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, SDK, or AWS CloudFormation. To learn more, see AWS Backup [documentation](