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Experts on AWS IQ can now complete proposals with one click



AWS IQ Experts can now complete proposals with one click. Previously, you were required to send a final payment request to close a proposal, even if no additional payment was needed. Now you can select the “Complete'” button within an open proposal without requesting an additional payment. If you want to end a proposal without a final payment request, you can use this new feature. You may continue to use final payment requests to close proposals. To use the complete proposal feature, login to IQ, select a request, and identify the proposal you wish to close, located in the right-hand pane. Select the proposal to open the proposal card view, and select “Complete.” Please note you won't be able to request additional payments if you use this feature. [Register today](/iq/experts/) to help customers and get paid for your AWS Certification expertise. AWS IQ is available to certified individuals based in the US, UK and France. [Learn more](/iq/experts/faq/) about becoming a Certified Expert.